[Isabeau d'Aquitaine]'s diary

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Written about Tuesday 2008-02-26
Written: (6224 days ago)


This evening was dance practice. Our usual hall was unavailable, so the good Ellyn of Tanwayour volunteered her home.

It was wonderful fun, I'd forgotten how much I'd missed dancing. Arabella, Ranlyn, and young Hannah accompanied me, and we wound up arriving about 30 minutes late, missing the first dance entirely. We did manage to perform Hit and Misse , Heralds in Love, and Bizzaria d'Amore. In truth, Arabella, young Hannah and I sat out for the last one. I was over tired, Arabella was feeling ill, and it was long past Hannah's usual bedtime. My favorite was Heralds in Love. It was great fun, and Hannah caught on rather quickly, able to dance without our teacher walking her through it.

All in all, an enjoyable evening was had by all.

And now, dear diary, I must find my way to bed.

 The logged in version 

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