Making a Thunder's Keep account

(About Thunder's Keep)

Fill out this form. You have to select a username, a secure password and a working email-address, but please write as much as you want. Your email will not be shown if you don't activate that in your presentation.


Thunder's Keep tries to keep order here, but the members themselves, not Thunder's Keep, are responsible for their actions. Talk to each other first and only contact the Thunder's Keep Guards if someone breaks the only truly important rule on the site:

Respect each other!

Note: You need to be approved to become a member. It should be obvious from your presentation that you belong here.
Use your SCA name or a short for it as your username. You may not use '[', ']', '@' or tabs, and in the first and last position you must not have a space.
Password (Note: You have to select a unique password.):
Password again:
Should Thunder's Keep send an email to you when you have a message or something you watch has been updated?

Do you want your presentation and blog to be viewable by non-members?
Time before being automatically logged out:
Fontsize to use:
Stylesheet to use: (Do choose index.css or index/something if you don't know what you're doing!)
Mundane Name
Your full real name. Don't make something up. Leave this blank instead.
SCA Name
Your SCA name.
Kingdom with which you reside:
Group you are most associated with:
When you have registered you can upload a photo.  
When you have registered you can upload an image.  
General description. Use normal text. HTML doesn't work, but you can use pseudo HTML. Only inline your own images or images you have permission from Thunder's Keep to use here.
Year of birth
Which year were you born?
Month of birth
Which month were you born? (Number 1-12)
Day of birth
Which day of month were you born? (Number 1-31)
Not needed if you have given date of birth.
Year of persona
Year of persona (Year from 600 to 1600):
SCA Interests
Which are your biggest medieval interests?
Place of living
Where do you live?
Exact place of living
And more exactly? (Town name, village name and so on. Write as much as you want.)
Home-page URL
URL to your homepage.
ICQ number
Your ICQ number (see if you're interested).
Private Information
Here you can put private information that you only want your friends to see. Like your address, phone number and passwords to your friends only pages.

News about Thunder's Keep
Help - How does Thunder's Keep work?
