Heirs to the Thrones of the Knowne World
Please welcome your new heirs
Prince Jason Kinslae and Princess Gerhild the Willful
Their Highnesses Seth of Newcastle and Gwendolyn
Date: 2008-06-03 16:37:01
Royal #: 9
Scribe: Ginevra
Heirs to the Thrones of the Knowne World
Please welcome your new heirs
HRH Sinclair Hawkins and HRH Kari Kyst
Their Highnesses Seth of Newcastle and Gwendolyn
Date: 2008-05-08 16:08:05
Royal #: 8
Scribe: Bastion
Heirs to the Thrones of the Knowne World
Date: 2007-11-05 13:27:29
Royal #: 7
Scribe: Bastion
Ansteorra will Crown Tourney again!
Ansteorra will be holding a new Winter Crowne tourney for the 2008 year. As announced in morning court at Three Kings, due to unforseen
circumstances Their Highnesses will be unable to fullfill their duties as
Crown and we must have a new Crown Tournament as soon as feasible. That
being said this will be occurring at Bordermarche Autumn Melees on Sunday
morning - November 18th. This tournament will be open to all entraints who
meet the requirements and are found capable and acceptable.
Date: 2007-11-03 23:01:03
Royal #: 6
Scribe: Katrine la Escolpiera