Their Royal Majesties of the Knowne World
The Royal Majesties of Meridies
Majesties Thomas and Elisendra
The Royal Majesties of Gleann Ahbann
Majesties Jon and Beatrix
Date: 2010-07-15 09:45:49
Royal #: 11
Scribe: Valgardr
Their Royal Majesties of the Kingdoms
The Royal Majesties of Meridies
Majesties Boru and Deirdre
Date: 2009-09-14 15:32:01
Royal #: 10
Scribe: Bastion
Their Royal Majesties of the Kingdoms
Date: 2009-09-14 15:30:34
Royal #: 9
Scribe: Bastion
Their Royal Majesties of the Kingdoms
Royal Majesties of Ansteorra

Their Stellar Majesties King Aaron MacGregor III and Queen Vanessa de Verona II
The Royal Majesties of Meridies
Majesties Godwine and Francesca
The Royal Majesties of Atlantia
King Sinclair Hawkins and Queen Kari Kyst
The Royal Majesties of the Middle
King Lutr and Queen Tessa
Date: 2009-08-28 14:49:58
Royal #: 8
Scribe: Bastion