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2008-03-26 16:18:30
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Baron's Feast

His Excellency Baron Wulfric sends his greetings, and invites one and all to join the Barony of Gyldenholt on Sunday, April 20, 2008 for a day of feasting, revelry, gaming, feasting, dancing, good fellowship and, of course, feasting. As this will be Their Excellencies’ last Baron’s Feast, Her Excellency is promising a memorable repast.

Once again we will gather at Irvine Regional Park (1 Irvine Park Road, Orange, CA) at Group Area #3. Feasting for the day will consist of various “appeteasing” delicacies. This will be followed throughout the day with a variety of roasted meats, vegetables, grains, fruits, and other savories for your enjoyment. (His Excellency is, as usual, gratefully accepting Her Excellency Lasairfhiona’s assistance for the feast preparation.) Please be sure to visit the Gyldenholt website ( for more detailed information.

There will also be the long traditional delicacies of funnel cakes, Longshore potatoes and fruit ices. Please bring feasting gear including plate, bowl, cup and utensils. Although the site is DRY, drinks of various kinds will be provided throughout the day. Your pets are welcome, but must be kept on a leash at all times.

We have many games and activities planned, and please feel free to bring your chess sets and other period pastimes. Rumor has it that the Maypole may even make an appearance.

Schedule of the Day:
8:00 a.m. Site Opens
10:00 a.m. Festivities Commence
7:00 p.m. Site Closes

The fee for this full day of feasting and merriment is $13.00 for 13 years of age and older, $8.00 if age 6-12 years, and 5 years and under will be guests of the Barony. You may choose to join our company off-board for a $5.00 site fee.

Please remember that the non-member fee of $3.00 is in effect. Make checks payable to “SCA, Inc./Barony of Gyldenholt.” Advance reservations are highly encouraged so that our hunters and cooks may be sure to have an ample repast ready for your pleasure.

Location & Directions:
Barony of Gyldenholt
1 Irvine Park Road
Orange, CA
Group Area #3

Directions: From the north: Take your best route to Chapman Avenue in Orange and head for the hills (East). Follow Chapman Avenue over the hill, past the College and turn left on Jamboree. Follow this until it ends at the park. Once in the park, follow the SCA signs to Group Area #3. From the south: Exit the 5 freeway at Jamboree and head north. Stay on Jamboree until it ends at the park, and proceed in the same manner as above. Please be aware that there is a $4.00 per vehicle fee (per entry) to enter the park.

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