A brotherhood forged from service to the king
Taking care of one another
While they trained for the Chivalry
The Chivalry takes no weak or soft and unskilled kind of men
So, they walked the path together
Blood Brother
Will you take my hand
Will you grasp it tight
So that you don't fall again
Blood Brother
A hundred year war fought for glory and a crown
blood rained heavy on the ground
as hey lay there broken and bleeding
His brother stood over his body fighting off the French Army alone
Till they both had died together
Squire Brother
Will you take my spear
Will you use it well
So that you will live again
Squire Brother
Lend thy hand to battle
Hear the cry of war song
Brother, to Brother
(Musical Intro)
Stand your ground!
The battlements stand before me tattered and broken to the ground
We've lost most of our army as the enemy's hear the sound
Now we've gathered in a last attempt at victory around our soverign
It's just me and my own brother standing fast before our King
Knightly Brother
Will you stand with me
Will you grip your sword
And protect our queen and King
Knightly Brother
Blood Brother
Will you take my hand
Will you grasp it tight
So that you don't fall again
Blood Brother
Squire Brother
Will you take my spear
Will you use it well
So that you will live again
Squire Brother
Knightly Brother
Will you stand with me
Will you grip your sword
And protect our queen and King
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Bastion's Filks
Knightly Brother