Page name: Bastion's Filks: Out on the List Field [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-03-09 20:10:01
Last author: Valgardr
Owner: Valgardr
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On the List Field
(Somewhere over the rainbow)

Somewhere out on the list field
is my groin
I got gigged with a polearm
right on the inner loin

Some day i'll hobble to my tent
and wonder where my jewels went despite me
I'll whimper in the highest tone
and listen as they moan
and laugh politely

Someone fetch the chirurgeon
I can't see
My eyes crossed at the moment
they hit my poor berries

Some day i'll hobble to my tent
and wonder where my jewels went despite me
I'll whimper in the highest tone
and listen as the others moan
and laugh politely

Somewhere out on that list field
Lay my jewels
you can laugh all you want til
somebody gigs you too

I've got to get a bigger shield
to hide my manlies
If I ever find mine

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