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2009-05-14 09:03:56
Last author: Sanzio
Owner: Sanzio
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Real Suit of Armor

TTTO: Pencil Thin Mustache.
filked by: Lord Sanzio Sansovino

Oh, they made their armor out of shiney steel,
but plastic is the only thing that I feel.
I guess I'm caught up in a nostalgic rage,
even though I'm such a young and tender age.

I wish I had a real suit of armor,
the kind that the legionairres wore.
A lorrica Segmentata, a scutum shield, and a gladius sword.
Oh, I could be as good as any Duke John you know,
but this hockey gear has got to go.
If I had a real suit of armor,
then I could be a future King, too.

But now it's sword blows and shield drills, hitting the pell,
learning how to fight as a wolf.
and my Daddy Sanzio's gonna teach me everything he knows,
hoping some day that I might win Crown List.
If I had a real suit of Armor,
the I could be a future King, too.

Now it's best death, best dressed, most chivalrous too,
well, I'm'a gonna win all three.
I wanna win a tournament, I wanna beat my brother, Kent,
and then I wanna walk away with the prize.

Well, as I get older, my armor will change,
I might even build me a hauberk of chain,
and get me a helmet Master Geoffrey made,
that'll make all the knight's heads turn.
That's why I wish I had a real suit of armor,
the kind that the legionairres wore.
A lorrica segmentata, a scutum shield and a gladius sword.
Oh, I could be as good as any Gareth you know,
but this hockey gear's gotta go,
If I had a real suit of armor,
then I could be a future King, too.

Yeah, stainless steel, that's the way to go.
I could be a future King, too.
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