Fat Guys
The Fat Guys actually started out in Germany, while four americans were attending a tournament and they had to provide a name for their four man team. They called themselves "The Four Fat Guys" after very little deliberation. The Europeans thought that they were rude and crass, because they had just degraded themselves. However, opinions changed a great deal when the "Fat Guys" started winning the fights. To set the record straight, at least as I heard it, three of the four weren't even in the right mindset for fighting in the medieval manner. They were told to go play football, and that is what they did - they played football with sticks - and did a damn fine job of it.
Since being accepted in the Fat Guys, I have been given the honor of being named as the DAD of the Fat Guys for Meridies. Thus, I guess you could say that I'm living large, and the term "Who's your Daddy?" really has some signifigant meaning. As you can see above, the yellow mug on the John Deere Green field is our heraldry, but there is something to keep in mind. If you see a foam coming from the top of the mug, this Fat Guy is wearing some type of Pointy Hat (Baron, Count, etc.). If the top of the mug has a pewter lid on it, that Fat Guy is a Duke. From what I am told, there are quite a few of the pewter lids, and many, many frosty Fat Guy Mugs out there in the known world.
To learn more about the Fat Guys, look around at Revels and Courts for anyone wearing a Fat Guy tabard or flying a Fat Guy banner and walk up to them and ask them about the Fat Guys. They will most likely offer you a beer, because that's just how we roll. Seek us out, you'll have a good time.
Members of the Fat Guys on TK:
Lord Damien]
(NOTE* Not that it needs to be said, but if you are NOT a member of the household, you may not use it.) I do not want to know what happens if you are caught claiming a Household you are not a member of.

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