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Medievalorca (I want to do something..very bored)
Mundane Name: Cynthia Cook
SCA Name: Caitlyn Trowell
Kingdom: Trimaris
Group: Aasgard
Image missing.
General Description....I like Medieval history, a lot.I enjoy the outdoors and doing things with friends and family.I love to joke around and laugh.I work in the school system as a educator.
Age: 41 | Year of birth: 1967 | Month of birth: 8 | Day of birth: 16 |
Gender: female
Year of persona: 800
SCA Interests
Archery | Armouring | Bardic Recitation |
Bow Making | Fighting | Heraldry |
Period Fencing |
Place of living: USA-Florida
Exact place of living: Zephyrhills
Worldmap missing.