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Cap'n Rasha

Member #1057 created: 2008-10-04 00:24:24Simple URL:   

Mundane Name: Rasha

SCA Name: Rasha~Ayla Calliphree

Kingdom: West

Group: Gypsy Pyrates

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"T'was not her garb that caught the gazer's eye....

tho' strange, t'was rich, and after its fashion, good....

but the wild granduer of her mien erect and high

before the English Queen she dauntless stood....

and none her bearing there could scorn as rude.....

She seemed well used to power, as one that hath

dominion over men of savage mood....

and dared the tempest in its midnight wrath....

and thro' opposing billows cleft her fearless path."

Taken from an Irish ballad of Grace O'Malley

As you approach the docks, you see a lone figure standing with hand held up to brow, shielding the glare from the water, as he stares out to the ship in the harbor.

To these trained ears, the sound of your not so silent approach on the planks, causes the man to turn, hailing you forward, seemingly expecting you. You are surprised to hear a woman's voice ring out true as you realize the person before you stands as a woman in the guise of a man. Noting the fyne cutlass at her side at the same time you gather her countenance, you as well realize you could be in danger.......and then she smiles warmly to you and hails you closer ........

"Hail and well met m'lord and m'lady

Allow me tae introduce myneself, I am Rasha~Ayla Calliphree

Rasha, iffen it would be easier upon thy tongue, and I am the Captain for that good ship moored in the harbor there, the "Galendere"

As you follow her gaze out to the harbor, you gulp upon seeing the colors the ship flies, a black banner with a sea dragon's head and crossed cutlasses beneath it. You are curious about the goblet with the heart emblazzoned upon it that sits beneath the dragon's maw. Looking back to her, you see she still has a smile upon her visage, and you relax a bit, hoping that the person that steered you to her was truly friend to you and meant you no ill will......

"When not tae sea, ye will most likely find me associatin' myneself with the crew and guests of the Galendere in local ports that set up merriment for our amusement. Places for fellowship amongst myne brethren that gives them the opportunity tae sell their wares that they do fashion whilst aboard, or fence whilst tae port.

I was once a chatelaine in the "Kingdom of the West" for the Society for Creative Anchronism, but it did prove too tiresome for me and my pyratical ways were nae so appreciated. So I travel now from one rennaisance faire or pirate faire tae the next in the good graces of the Queen of England. For the glory of England, we sail the seas with a Letter of Marque grantin' us the privilege tae' serve the crown. I have recently acquired the services of many ships, such as the Valiant, the Privateer, the Northstar, and the Golden Hiney, tae name a few and am Commadore tae those crews what sail these ships. I have also attained the services of the Merry Wreath Consort and the Belladonna Ale House, as well as the protection of St. Brigit and the Shadow Walkers.

So too have I been knighted by Her Majesty and continue to serve Queen Elizabeth and her Court. (In the rennaisance faire circuit.)

So come tae' me again in the future, and I shall regale thee with tales of merriment and allow thee tae' meet up with the crew. For now, I must away, and tend tae things aboard ship."

With that, she removes her fyne feathered hat and flourishes a deep bow of reverence in the fashion of a well stated gentleman and in the blink of an eye, she is off to board the famed vessel in the harbor. You cannot help but wonder of the crew that serves her and vow to return to learn more of the "Gypsy Pyrates".

Age: 45Year of birth: 1963Month of birth: 4Day of birth: 21

Gender: female

Year of persona: 1569

SCA Interests
ArcheryBardic RecitationBasketry
Book BindingBow MakingCalligraphy
Candle MakingCookingCostuming & Accessories
DancingDrama & ComedyDrawing
GamingGlass BlowingHeraldry
JugglingMasquing & MimeMedicine
MerchantingNewsletters & PublicationsPainting
Paper MakingPavilion MakingPeriod Fencing
Toy MakingVinting

Place of living: USA-California

Exact place of living: The Central Coast area of California

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