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Brighid Chaomhanach (Relaxed and at Peace)

Member #1086 created: 2008-10-25 07:20:29Simple URL:   

Mundane Name: Bridget Kielas-Fecyk

SCA Name: Brighid Chaomhanach

Kingdom: Northshield

Group: The Barony of Windhaven

Photo missing.

My personal symbol. The Trident is stregnth, the scroll is knowledge, for without knowledge, there is no stregnth. The red is firey passion, the blue is calm serenity. Be passionate, but wise. Calm in the storm, yet with a flame in one's heart that can never be quenched.

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I am a Youth Minister in the Barony of Windhaven.  I am proud to be a Youth Minister. I enjoy working with children and teaching them of medieval times as well as learning of new games and ideas. It's amazing what a child's mind can come up with. One time during "Trival Persuit" with the kids, One of the questions was "What does a Squire become?" This adorable 5 yr old comes up, does this tough-guy pose and proudly called out "A Bucket!" I thought I would die laughing! The parents sure laughed their heads off. Of course, we all know that the "bucket heads" er... the Noble and Honorable Knights, would find amusement at this. 

I'm happy to say that along with helping the kids, I make adults happy, too. You see, I'm an apprentice vinter. My mistress is Court Baroness Alice of Kent. She's a very kind friend and highly talented in the making of fine vintages. She's taught me many tricks of the trade and I've found one recipie that is quite unusual and, oddly enough, very favorable amongst those of the art. It's a 12th century recipie from Japan made of Ginsing, Ginger, Sasafrass and Licorice root.

Age: 38Year of birth: 1973Month of birth: 11Day of birth: 26

Gender: female

Year of persona: 1300

SCA Interests
AgricultureBardic RecitationBrewing
Candle MakingCookingGaming
PotteryRiddlesToy Making
VintingVocal Music

Place of living: USA-Wisconsin

Exact place of living: Shawano
Worldmap 44°28.998'N 88°7.998'W

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