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Feyodora Keresses (<img:img/mood/1110_1228426718.jpg> Quiet Contemplation)

Member #1110 created: 2008-12-04 01:37:46Simple URL:   

Mundane Name: Brandy Lambdin

SCA Name: Feodora Laskaris Keresses

Kingdom: Meridies

Group: Thor's Mountain Barony


This is me...LOL Not much else to


Me and my son playing.. It was my birthday!

Hello, my name is Feyodora. I am from the Thor's Mountain Barony. I am still a relativly new member although I went in head I am interested in meeting new people and making new frinds. I might also add that I am a single maiden and am currently in search of a champion. Many have tried but all have failed thus far. I am a hospitaler of sorts (LPN in a mundane since) and am currently learning archery. I have my eye on learning heavy arms but havent had the time thus far to further my skills. I love to sing and have my first meeeting with our singers on monday. so excited! I am getting pretty good at leather working. Currently learning armor. I am always inerested in any advice you may want to offer.. Hope to here from you soon. ~Feyodora~

Age: 24Year of birth: 1984Month of birth: 6Day of birth: 11

Gender: female

Year of persona: 1200

SCA Interests
ArcheryBow MakingCooking
Costuming & AccessoriesDancingFighting
HerbalismHusbandryLeather Working
MedicinePaper MakingVocal Music

Place of living: USA-Tennessee

Exact place of living: Lafollette

Worldmap missing.

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