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Member #1139 created: 2009-02-06 06:00:13Simple URL:   

Mundane Name: Sonja Crocker

SCA Name: Cait O'Hara

Kingdom: Ansteorra

Group: Shire of Loch Ruadh

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I have been in the Society off and on since 1990. I have played with Atlantia and Ansteorra. In Ansteorra, I have lived in Bryn Gwlad and the Shire of Loch Ruadh. I have a lord by the name of Ragnar Ragnalsson. We have two children, Saerlith Ragnarsdottir (who is 10) and Ronan Ragnarsson (who is 7). All of them are still fairly new to the SCA. I have helped out with Demos, served as Feastocrat, Hospitaller, and Colligium Senechal. Right now, we are getting ready for our firs Gulf War. We are all excited and can't wait to meet so many of you.


Lady Cait O'Hara

Age: 37Year of birth: 1971Month of birth: 9Day of birth: 22

Gender: female

Year of persona: 900

SCA Interests
Bardic RecitationCostuming & AccessoriesDancing
Drama & ComedyGamingVocal Music

Place of living: USA-Texas

Exact place of living: Springtown, TX, USA

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