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Elspeth DreamWatcher

Member #1181 created: 2009-08-09 16:08:08Simple URL:   

Mundane Name: Perri Scott

SCA Name: Elspeth the DreamWatcher

Kingdom: Meridies

Group: The Zholdak Kozaky

Photo missing.

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A Former SCA member, Currently a sometime on-again-off-again SCAist. "Living in a College Town, the Shires tend to collapse within 2-3 years of founding, and [I] just really got tired of the Politics."

As a member of the Round Table Commitee that Hosts the annual Alabama Renaissance Faire (see Renaissance Magazine for dates and times), she has always been interested in "all things Medieval and Renaissance".

Most recently she has joined The Zholdak Kozaky, a Living History reenactment group that portrays life during the "Time of Troubles" in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Ukraine circa 1648-1657. Her persona is the Widow of a Scot Mercanary killed during the Thirty years war and left stranded in France. As a result, (already a cannoneer to the Regiment de Hepburn), she found herself on the lines in south-eastern France facing the Kozaky (Cossacks) and later being adopted by them as one of their Herb Wives and cannoneers. She currently is in charge of the Baggage Train.

Age: 46Year of birth: 1963Month of birth: 9Day of birth: 25

Gender: female

SCA Interests
ArcheryBrewingCandle Making
Costuming & AccessoriesDrawingDyeing
HusbandryJewelryLeather Working

Place of living: USA-Alabama

Exact place of living: Florence, AL

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