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Kon (Great)

Member #161 created: 2007-04-06 14:43:56Simple URL:   

Mundane Name: Kurt Heinz

SCA Name: Lord Ragnar Kon

Kingdom: Meridies

Group: None Presently


Clarksville, 2000

Image missing.

I have been an SCA member since '98. I am addicted to the camaraderie, friendship and sense of family that exists living "The Dream" in the current Middle Ages.  Additionally, the competition, energy, exhilaration and act of learning and improving oneself that occurs during training, crafting and combat.
Nothing tops the feeling of standing, surveying the field before a battle, anticipating the coming test, except maybe the reminiscence after that battle has been fought and recounting the great acts of valour that one has witnessed from his fellow warriors.

Age: 45Year of birth: 1968Month of birth: 3Day of birth: 25

Gender: male

Year of persona: 1000

SCA Interests
ArmouringFightingLeather Working

Place of living: USA-Tennessee

Exact place of living: La Vergne
Worldmap 34°54.996'N 86°27.996'W

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