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Member #212 created: 2007-04-30 14:15:24Simple URL:   

Mundane Name: Steve Benetti

SCA Name: Streonwold Wulfesbana, Thegn

Kingdom: Ealdormere

Group: Hrogn fra Osis and the Canton of Caer Draeth


This is me at Spring Coronation (2007)


My arms, "Sable, on a bend between two seaxes bendwise, edges to center, the lower reversed Or, a natural panther courant sable breathing flames gules." registered with the College of Arms, April 1998

Been in the SCA since late 1995, and held almost every office in my Canton. This is me:

Saxon. I was born in 1056, My father killed Vikings at Stamford Bridge, and was killed by damn Normans at Senlac Hill. I've been hewing down Norman wolves ever since. That's where I got the name Wulfesbana.
Like all good Saxons, I'm proud of my lineage:
I am squired to Sir Berus Wolfsonne, Jarl.
Berus Jarl, spawn of Sir Thorbjorn Osis Brandsson, Jarl.
Osis Jarl, sired by Sir Robert Fitzhugh of Bannockburn.
Sir Robert, son of His Excellency Sir William of Bellwood.
Sir William, begot of His Excellency Sir Polidor Haraldsson of the Dented Helm.
Sir Polidor, spawn of His Grace Syr Merowald de Sylveastan.
Duke Merowald, sired by His Excellency Sir Thorvald inn Grimmi.
Sir Thorvald, elevated by Sir Franz von Blinkend-Lichten.
Count Franz, made by Sir Cariadoc of the Bow.
Duke Cariadoc, elevated by Sir Siegfried von Hoflichskeit.

I live in Ealdormere now, where King Etain and Queen Valfreya saw fit to make me a baron of their court, thus I style myself "Thegn".

I find myself, increasingly, making garb for myself and for my lady, Seonag nic Thomais, Banthegn. We are constantly seeking to improve our period appearance, and make our presences on and off the field of combat more genteel by the lights of our ancestors.

Age: 59Year of birth: 1956Month of birth: 4Day of birth: 9

Gender: male

Year of persona: 1115

SCA Interests
ArcheryArmouringBardic Recitation
Costuming & AccessoriesDrawingFighting
HeraldryHorn WorkingIllumination
Instrumental MusicJewelryLeather Working
LanguagesMetal WorkingMusical Instrument Making
Tool MakingVintingWeapon Smithing

Place of living: Canada - Ontario

Exact place of living: Angus, Ontario
Worldmap 44°19.602'N 79°53.850'W

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