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ThBaron Ulrich of Somerset started as a founding member of Arenal in Meridies in 1978, and later as a founding of the Shire of the Misty Seacoast in the East Kingdom a few years later. His travels were dictated by his Uncle Samuel and from the East Realm he came back to Meridies to the Barony of the South Downs. From there, it was north to the Midrealm and the Barony of Sternfeld. Years later, it was back south again to the Barony of Axemoor in Meridies, then finally home to Arenal.
He has served as a group marshal in many groups and kingdoms and a kingdom marshal of the field in the Midrealm, a deputy society marshal as the Editor-in-Chie
f of the 1986 SCA Figher's Handbook, and many other officers including multiple times as a seneschal and chronicler.
Currently in the Shire of Arenal and the Group's Youth Combat Marshal.

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