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Gregor (Tired)

Member #659 created: 2007-10-17 04:24:20Simple URL:   

Mundane Name: Gregory T. Reynard

SCA Name: Gregor

Kingdom: Middle

Group: I.B.A.M.



I like to dress up in my spare time. No need for special occasions... When I am at a social event it should be special enough. I AM special and people LIKE me.

I am Gregor of I.B.A.M. That's the International Barbarians Association of Mercenaries to you who do not know us. We take all who want to fight with us into the bloody fold. I am Glyph Shaman for our group. I am the founder of the Order of the Green Arrow. I like sword and shield, but my forte is combat archery. I move a lot on the battlefield and enjoy shooting every member of royalty and kingliness that I can possibly send to the afterlife. I gain enormous pleasure from shooting all those that don't pay attention to the silly archer. Shields mean little to me. They are something by which I may easily identify a favorite target.

Age: 40Year of birth: 1971Month of birth: 8Day of birth: 19

Gender: male

SCA Interests
GamingInstrumental MusicLanguages
Vocal Music

Place of living: USA-Ohio

Exact place of living: Painesville

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