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Member #724 created: 2007-12-24 02:11:56Simple URL:   

Mundane Name: Tony Hamilton

SCA Name: Aylen de Hammelldonne

Kingdom: Lochac

Group: Bordescros



I am an authorised heavy fighter, i fight sword n board, halberd (just started playing with this one woopee) and mace n shield. I have tinkered in cookery, leatherwork, woodwork, sewing (yup thats pretty crap so dont look too hard at it) just starting out on armouring, theres so much more to play with and at i never know what to try next.

Hi Im just your average Geek with a BIG stick, who likes to try his hand at as much as he can no matter what it is from sewing to coin stamping and everything above below and in between.

Age: 37Year of birth: 1971Month of birth: 5Day of birth: 22

Gender: male

Year of persona: 700

SCA Interests
ArmouringBasketryBow Making
BrewingCandle MakingCooking
Costuming & AccessoriesDyeingFighting
Glass BlowingHeraldryHorn Working
JewelryLapidaryLeather Working
MasonryMedicineMetal Working
Pavilion MakingTanningTool Making
Toy MakingWeapon SmithingWoodworking

Place of living: Australia

Exact place of living: Lavington,Albury New South Wales

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