SCA General Forum Thread: [119]

Post nr: 119
Thread: [119]
Author: SuttonHoo Posted: (6306 days ago)
Subject: Greetings unto the Keep

Hail and Well met good populace of Thunders Keep. id like to introduce myself as im relativley new. My name is Lord Baldric Kessinger of The Incipient Canton of Westmere within the noble boundries of the Middle Kingdom.

Next in thread: [120], [121], [122]

Post nr: 120
Thread: [119]
Author: Bjorn (New Wiki in progress! The Hunting Grounds) Posted: (6306 days ago) Previous in thread: 119 by SuttonHoo
Subject: Greetings unto the Keep

Hail to you, and welcome to our glorious abode.


Post nr: 121
Thread: [119]
Author: hedda (fun photo comments) Posted: (6306 days ago) Previous in thread: 119 by SuttonHoo
Subject: Greetings unto the Keep

Hi Lord Baldric Kessinger of The Incipient Canton of Westmere within the noble boundries of the Middle Kingdom!

That name reminds me about this document which is a peace treaty between Russia and Sweden:

"the Swedish king Friedrich" in year-1721-Swedish is "Kongelige Majestät then Durchlauchtigste, Stormäktigste Konung och Herre, Herr FRIEDRICH then Förste, Sveriges, Göthes och Wendes Konung etc. etc. etc. Landt-Grefve til Hessen, Förste til Hirschfeldt, Grefve til Catzen-Ellenbogen, Dietz, Ziegenhayn, Nidda och Schaumburg etc. etc."

And "The tsarinna Elisabeth" is "Hennes Kejserliga Majestät, then Durchlauchtigste, Stormäktigsta Keiserinna och Fru, Fru ELISABETH then Första, Kejserinna och alla Ryssars Sielfhållarinna af Moscow, Kiow, Wladimir, Novogorod, Czarinna til Casan, Astrachan och Siberien, Fru til Plescou, Stor-Furstinna til Smolensko, Hertiginna uti Estland, Lifland, Carelen, Twer, Jugorien, Permien, Wiatka, Bulgarien, och andre mer, Fru och Stor-Furstinna til Novogorod i thet Nedrige Landet, Czernigow, Resan, Rostow, Iroslaw, Belo-Oserien, Udorien, Obdorien, Condinien, och hela Norra sidans Påbiudarinna och Fru, til Iwerska Landet, the Cartaliniske och Grusinske Czarers, the Cabardinske Länders, the Czerkassers och Gorske Förstars, samt andre efterföljandes Arf-Fru och Beherskarinna".

So I guess that is just your casual name? <img:>


Post nr: 122
Thread: [119]
Author: Ginevra (New name: Isabeau) (Determined) Posted: (6305 days ago) Previous in thread: 119 by SuttonHoo
Subject: Greetings unto the Keep

Welcome Lord Baldric!

~Signora Ginevra

Next in thread: [123]

Post nr: 123
Thread: [119]
Author: SuttonHoo Posted: (6304 days ago) Previous in thread: 122 by Isabeau
Subject: Greetings unto the Keep

Thank you all for your kind courtesey and hospitality. If I may ask what other Kingdoms are represented here?

Next in thread: [124]

Post nr: 124
Thread: [119]
Author: Ginevra (New name: Isabeau) (Determined) Posted: (6304 days ago) Previous in thread: 123 by SuttonHoo
Subject: Greetings unto the Keep

I live in Atlantia.


Next in thread: [125], [316]

Post nr: 125
Thread: [119]
Author: Bastion (New name: Valgardr) (nothing nothing tra la la...) Posted: (6303 days ago) Previous in thread: 124 by Isabeau
Subject: Greetings unto the Keep

Greetings all newcomers! Sorry I'm not around alot in the forums, but i do check them.. :)

kingdoms will show what kingdoms are represented so far. :)

thanks for joining!


Post nr: 316
Thread: [119]
Author: pirateredbeard Posted: (5873 days ago) Previous in thread: 124 by Isabeau
Subject: Greetings unto the Keep

I'm a transplant from West Kingdom, Principality of Cynagua, Shire of Dangeld Tor. Now in Atenveldt and no local group according to the Atenveldt website. Mundanely, I'm in the White Mountains, Lakeside to be exact. Hoping to start a group here soon.

Dirkin DeSilva
Pirate at large

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