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Post nr: 158
Thread: [31]
Author: ALEXANDROS Posted: (6423 days ago) Previous in thread: 31 by Isabeau
Subject: Households and Formal Relationships

Greetings to all, I am new here and just commenting in order to see how this forum works. I live far to the North in An-Tir (OR,WA,ID,BC Canada) I am member in the Household of the Iron Circle Brigade. We are a mercenary household of both Heavy and Lights.I became a member out of necessity due to the fact that they are the only group around in my small area. But other than that it has proved to be a fruitful one. I have only played going on 4 seasons and now have learned a great deal from this group. And I only hope to learn more and teach others on the way. Not much more can be said.......

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