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Post nr: 239
Thread: [31]
Author: lddonecan Posted: (6284 days ago) Previous in thread: 31 by Isabeau
Subject: Households and Formal Relationships


I've belonged to a number of households in the past and founded two myself. Belonging to multipe households can be a juggling act. I was at one time a member of an extended-family house, an armoring house and a direct-family house. I did feel pulled in three directions a few times. But all three houses had good relations, so it was easier to prioritize the appropriate direction I needed to take.

Having never been much for demanding absolute obedience from anyone or vice versa, I have never felt the need to belong to any 'exclusive' houses (meaning those that require fealty). Probably why I have a Norse-Gael personna. Hebridean Norse rarely paid much more than lip service to any in positions of authority for longer than their spears or arrows could reach.

My present household, House Lightning Mist, was formed by an old friend and I in remembrance of the comraderie of a defunct shire's folk. We're marking our tenth anniversary as a household this month. The house has grown from two to about thirty folk in that time, as well as now having small septs in two other kingdoms. We do not require any oaths of fealty to the house, but instead only an oath of fraternity/sorority to support each other as brothers/sisters. We do have a number of members that belong to one or more other households. Some which do require fealty. We leave it to the individual to prioritize their commitments. We are basically like a big family, supporting each others efforts and sharing the good and bad times together.

Ld. Donecan MacDubhgal of Loch Alsh
Patriarch & Triumvir
House Lightning Mist
Namron Barony, Ansteorra

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