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SCA General Forum  
Post nr: 91
Thread: [70]
Author: Ginevra (New name: Isabeau) (Determined) Posted: (6554 days ago) Previous in thread: 89 by Valgardr
Subject: SCA Christmas?

My lord's household has an annual gift exchange and party. Last year it was held one weekend following an event. This year, with no event planned, we gathered this past weekend for a party, followed the next day by a fighter practice that got rained out and replaced by an armor workshop/fighting video viewing/general hang out and have fun day. 
Those who participated in the exchange each brought a gift. Some shared their gifts with those who had not brought one, and the wonderful person who ended up with the bag of chocolate truffles shared with everyone! Trading ensued with some of the gifts afterward. 
Last year there were some SCA related gifts (fabric, trim, that sort of thing) amongst the modern presents. This year, everything was pretty modern. There were several gifts of candles which are of course good for whenever.


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