Page name: Bastion's Filks: Back Field [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-08-10 02:25:29
Last author: Valgardr
Owner: Valgardr
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Back Field (in the style of 'Right Field' as sung by Peter Paul and Mary)

G - G/F# - Em - C - C/B - Am - D/F#

<URL:stuff/BackField_Final.mp3><----[**UPDATE**] RE-RECORDED, mixed and fargin awesome version! EnJoY! :D

It's Finally Gulf Wars, the weeklong event
We packed up our horses and then off we went
We'd pick out our spot and we'd pitch all our tents
It was always a measure of some happiness
Cuz the fighters, the Knights and the onlookers swelled
To see who had won on the field
I never needed to ask, it was sealed
I just stepped to the back of the field.
I'm an....

Archer it's easy you know
you can be awkward and you can be slow
that's why I'm in the back field
Watching the dandelions grow.

Being an Archer can be lonely you know
Practice your nocking and pointing your bow
I'd dream of a time that a knight would break line
They never did, but still I would pine
That I'd make a fantastic shot on the run
and not lose my sights in the sun

And then I'd awake from this long reverie
And pray that the knights never got close to me
I'm an...

Archer it's easy you know
you can be awkward and you can be slow
That's why I'm in the back field
just watching the dandelions grow.

Off in the distance, the war's dragging on
there's knights all in battle, some fighters fight on
I don't know who's winning, I've forgotten the plan
There's warriors yelling wow the fighting's so grand
Then suddenly fighters are charging at me
My eyes go all wide and think I may flee
I look to the sky and I ask for luck's grace
and I shoot a knight right in the face!

I'm an Archer, it's important you know
you gotta know how to shoot, and be good with a bow
that's why I'm in the back field
Killing knights where the dandelions grow!

Bastion St. Michael

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2008-10-27 [tiefighter911]: Awesome song.

2008-10-28 [Valgardr]: that's why i didn't recognize you.. you were the star wars handle on my medieval website! LOL

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