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Bastion's Filks: I want to be a Stick Jock [Exported view]
2007-03-07 21:15:06
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I want to be a Stick Jock
"Rock Star by Nickleback"
I'm through with standing by
And watching others win
It's like learning to fly
but you ain't got no wings
my wife says i'm nuts
and I just nod my head and agree
(Tell me what you want)
I want a brand new helmet
and some shiney new digs
and a truck that can carry all my fighting stuff in
and a period tent big enough
for ten plus me
(So what you need?)
I'll need a forge and some metal and a dishing stump
a bunch'o rivets and somebody that can make it all up
Gonna fight every knight from
here to the Eastern Sea
(Been there, done that)
I want the best rattan and the finest garb
My own cheering club when I go to war
With Me and my brothers and sisters drinkin
gallons of mead
(So how you gonna do it?)
I'm gonna trade this menial life mundane
I'll even grow my hair and change my name
'Cause we all just wanna be hot stick jocks
And stay in giant tents and never get clocked
The mead comes easy and the fights are free
We'll all get thick cuz we like to eat
And we'll Train hard and drink lots of beer
Cuz there's always a party goin on right here
Every Lord and Lady
Gonna show up there
If you're broke we
got an extra mug to spare
Hey hey I wanna be a stick Jock
Hey hey I wanna be a Stick Jock
I wanna be great like madcelt but without the kilt
Have nineteen squires that like to carry my shit
sign a couple of autographs
So I can get my feasts for free
(I'll have the rack of lamb please)
I think I'm gonna dress my ass
in the period fashion
Get a sweet camp spot at Gulf Wars Land
Gonna date a supah hot lady who loves
to blow my horn for me
(So how you gonna do it)
I'm gonna trade this menial life mundane
I'll even grow my hair and change my name
And we'll hang out round our favorite fires
drinkin home made mead with a half drunk squires
Who'll make sure you're having a grand old time
And they'll make sure you get to your tent alright
Hey hey I wanna be a stick Jock
Hey hey I wanna be a Stick Jock
I'm gonna sing filk songs
That'll stir the crowd
Gonna have a good time and get real loud
I'll have all the fighters wanting to hang with me
Sit around great fires and talk of chivalry
And we'll hang out round our favorite fires
drinkin home made mead with a half drunk squires
Who'll make sure you're having a grand old time
And they'll make sure you get to your tent alright
Hey hey I wanna be a stick Jock
Hey hey I wanna be a Stick Jock
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