Page name: Bastion's Filks; All I wanna do [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-03-15 19:58:44
Last author: Valgardr
Owner: Valgardr
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All I wanna do

It was Arabian Nights
When he came into sight
Standing by the Rope
Shiney Helmet, red coat
So I came up along side
and I offered him a fight
he accepted with a smile
then he killed me like a child
He didn't tell me his name
but i found out just the same
Wait tell me I'm right
did i just fight a Knight?
I didn't know then
he'd teach me to fight!

All I wanna do is learn to fight like you
I'll train with you
and you'll want me to
All I wanna do is learn to fight like you
I've got a warrior's heart that will learn from you

So we trained and got a new helm
I fought his squires and died well
We worked magic each fight
I was on the path of a Knight
I fought for honor, chivalry
We killed our foes easily
And then one day I realized
I had a Knight that was wise
He told me
fight for the crown be chivalry,
the path I am on, is only for me
I'll change your belt
and I was aware
They all called him 'Pumbaa'
but I didn't care!

All I wanna do is be squired by you
I'll train with you
and you'll want me to
All I wanna do is be squired by you
I've got a warrior's heart that will learn from you

OH, oooh, and we trained
Trained like warriors
like no tomorrow
he trained Knights

Then It happened one day
we came round the same way
you can imagine how much pride
when he saw my belt was white
I said please please don't you see
When I teach squires under me
And all that guidance you gave me
will live on in the way that I teach!

All I wanna do is be a knight like you
I'll train my squires
and help them too
All I wanna do is be a knight like you
I'll find warrior's hearts teach them too

All I wanna do
All I wanna do
All I wanna do

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2009-03-15 [Valgardr]: need to rework these lyrics.. i'm missing a few lines

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