Page name: Calontir's Lilies War XXI [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-09-29 00:11:26
Last author: hedda
Owner: Caitriona
# of watchers: 3
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Calontir's Lilies War XXI

Photos from Lilies War XXI.

Siege Battle
Cian is somewhere in there
Siege Battle II
Still haven't located Cian
Champion's Battle
Kinsor's Battle
Champion's Battle II
Victory is not Kinsor's
[Solvarg] and the Falcon
[Solvarg] and the Red-Tailed Hawk
[Caitriona] Water-Bearing
The dreaded washer fluid
a hot and sweaty water-bearer
Preparing for War
Interesting encampment
Cian and Cai
Practicing with spears
Cian and Cai II
nicely done
Cian and Cai III
you do what?
Cian and Cai IV
sneaky Cai  Cian better be more alert
Neat Encampment near our encampment
A better view
Oops I moved
A Baroness' Encampment behind our encampment
Beside Westumbria's encampment
View to the left of our encampment on Saturday morning.
Do we really have to go back???

/ [Caitriona]

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2007-06-19 [Caitriona]: sorry about the blur on some of the pictures  it seems that digital cameras don't like high humidity

2007-07-31 [hedda]: The thumbnail photos look great anyway! <img:stuff/smile.jpg>

I linked to this page from Lilies War and SCA photos.

2007-09-29 [hedda]: I made the names into links to your presentations. In that way, they photos will appear in your houses too. <img:stuff/smile.jpg>

(Brand new feature.)

2007-10-02 [Caitriona]: thanks hedda wasn't sure what to do with them 

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