Page name: Sanzio in Vallhalla [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-12-08 17:40:29
Last author: Valgardr
Owner: Valgardr
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Sanzio in Valhalla (GA)

We were all out on the veranda (not a patio, you know, but a veranda) at Red Tower many, many years ago, on a very nice evening.

The veranda was crowded with many, many gentleman sipping ice cold beer from the keg over there in the corner, and swapping tells of the valor and feats of arms of some of the legends of Meridies.

Stories of The Mad Celt, Bearkiller, Baron Savogg, Duke Orlando and others just keeping coming out, one after another and with each tale came the hardy laughter and comments of agreement that yes indeed, these were the heroes of the Meridian Valhalla.

Now over in the corner was a fairly new fighter from down south aways from a group called Arenal who had been quietly sipping his tankard of beer and listening to these tales. During a moment of silence, this fighter, who was very large and tall, expressed the desire to someday meet some of these grand fighters in person and maybe even cross swords with them.

Now the room became ghostly silent as many on the veranda began to exchange glances. You could even hear the shuffling of boots as the men on the veranda were turning back and forth looking at each other.

Finally, a shorter gentle with long brown hair and a full beard and mustache stood up and walked slowly across the room to where the new fighter sat. This long-haired fighter extended his hand to the young fighter, saying “Hello, I’m John the Mad Celt.”

As the stunned fighter look at the Mad Celt and took the offered hand to shake, the Mad Celt continued his comment: “ And that fellow over there is Duke John the Bearkiller sitting next Viscount Sir William Culquitt and Duke Orlando. And that’s Baron Savogg over there.” And on and on he went, introducing all the fighters on the veranda.

And then he quietly asked for the young fighter’s name. And this was how young Sanzio found himself drinking beer in Valhalla with the gods, Meridian style, that is.  

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