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2008-03-26 05:32:09
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Spring Crown Tournament

“Ther seen men who kan juste and who kan ryde.
Ther shyveren shaftes upon sheeldes thikke;
He feeleth thurgh the herte-spoon the prikke;
Up spryngen speres twenty foot on highte;
Out goon the swerdes as the silver brighte;
The helmes they tohewen and toshrede;
Out brest the blood with stierne stremes rede;”
-Geoffrey Chaucer “The Knight’s Tale” ll.2604-2610

Their most puissant and gracious Majesties Edric and Faizeh, King and Queen of CAID, invite their populace to join them in the lush green hills of the Shire of the Isles to witness the selection of Their Heirs. Come behold and delight in the joy of chivalric combat for the honor of the realm!

Enjoy the hospitality of the Kingdom’s Northern Coast in a weekend filled with activities of all kinds to celebrate Their Majesties and Their Heirs. In addition to the Tournament itself, plans include:

Ø A Friday Night Bardic Circle
Ø A Children’s Quest
Ø A Leatherworking Class
Ø A Populous Choice Arts and Sciences Competition. In honor of Her Majesty, the theme is Middle Eastern Arts and Sciences
Ø An Archery Shoot
Ø Additional Fighting, for Heavy and Rapier Combatants
Ø An Evening Feast (seating is limited, pre-registration is encouraged)
Ø A Nighttime Revel, with Dancing
Ø Sunday Morning Hound Coursing

Site will open at noon on Friday, and close at noon on Sunday. The site is grassy, with ample shade and camping. Large bank heated showers exist on site, as well as sinks and mirrors. Bathroom facilities are permanent port-o-lets.

Baronies, Cantons and Shires will have first choice of eric-front space. Please contact the Autocrat staff to reserve space on the list field.

There will be equestrian activties. So bring your horses, equipment, and banners, and be ready to participate in a variety of games and tournament. There will be a prize for best barding/trappings and rider appearance. Contact Dame Arabella da Siena for more info at

Location & Directions
Shire of Isles
Live Oak Campground
HC 59, Hwy 154
Santa Barbara, CA, 93105

Live Oak Campground (HC 59, Hwy 154, Santa Barbara, CA 93105) nestled between the verdant hills of the Santa Ynez Mountains and the river of the same name.

Take your best route to Highway 101, head towards Santa Barbara. Take the State Street, Highway 154 exit. Head towards the mountains. Follow it for about 10 miles over the hill and back down into the valley. You will be almost to the bottom of the grade when you will turn right. It is easy to miss the entrance and have to circle around. As soon as you see the greens for Rancho San Marcos Golf Course to your right, slow down. The camp shares its entrance off Highway 154 with Rancho San Marcos Golf Course. Take a left once you’ve passed through that entryway.

$15 for Adults for the weekend, $10 for children over 5, Free for children younger then 5. Site fee for day tripper is $7. A non-member fee of $3 will be added for those who do not present proof of membership at the gate. Feast fee is $7, The cost of the feast is $5 for children over 5 and free for children younger than 5. Please make checks payable to SCA Inc./Shire of the Isles.

Additional Information & Links
Merchants are welcome, please contact THL Collette Vittraria (Collette Christel)
Their Majesties will be Present

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