Later, after the main tourney, came the ever popular “Sheepball” game. Benjamin felt he was doing just fine when he turned to come face-to-face with Bearkiller.
According to Benjamin’s version, “I turned and saw I was facing the King and thought that this is going to hurt. Then I noticed he was looking at something and realized he was staring at the thrusting-tip on my sword. I thought thrusting-tip and just jabbed at him and hit dead center of his faceplate. I was stunned to see him drop.”
According to the King’s version, “I saw this fighter on the other team not paying attention and came up on his blind side. When the fighter turned, I saw it was the kid I had just authorized this morning. I also saw he had a thrusting tip on his sword and paused to wonder if he knew how to use it. Just as I was thinking that, I saw his eyes dart to the tip and then the tip was in my faceplate. As I was falling, I was telling myself, yep, he knows how to use a thrusting tip alright.”
Benjamin turned to rejoin the game only to be nailed by the King’s teammates immediately.