These rules, have been abridged because the types of people who come here, will most likely not upload pornographic images, or anything too terribly offensive. Should this change, however, the remainder of the rules will be added, and enforced as such.
General Rules
These are the general rules for what images you can upload to Thunder's Keep and display in your house.
All images in your house should have something to do with you.
Examples of images that aren't allowed under this rule are images of cars, funny animals and other random images copied from the internet.
Images in your house must be made by you or for you.
Wiki banners and images from
Thunder's Keep:Graphics are allowed as long as they follow the rules, since they are made for all Elftown members.
Images that contain other images that break the rules are not allowed in your house.
For example, a collage or a wiki banner containing images that aren't made by you or for you aren't allowed.
Special Rules
These are categories of images that have special or more specific rules.
Animated images are not allowed in your house.
This includes animations donated to Elftown Graphics and animated wiki-banners.
The only exception to this rule is non-annoying animated images made by you. Something that makes you look for the delete button is annoying.
Animated images can be removed by the guards without warning.
Images of celebrities are not allowed in your house.
The only exception to this rule is if you are also in the photo.
Images of celebrities can be removed by the guards without warning.
Movie/Game screenshots are not allowed in your house.
The only exception to this rule is if you've created the art in it, like skins (Be sure to explain exactly what you have done though!).
Quiz images are not allowed.
Quiz result images can be removed by the guards without warning.
Fanart and other drawings that you have done using direct references from other images are only allowed if you have done the drawing.
We understand that this is how most artists practise and go on to discovering their own styles and we encourage growth.
Dollz, "me as a Southpark character" and similar "assembled" images are not allowed.
As stated under General Rule 2, "assembled" images like dollz are not considered "made by you" and are thus not allowed in your house.
You may only display one wiki banner for each wiki.
Don't put every wiki banner there is for a certain wiki in your house. Choose the one you like best and use that. You may of course display wiki banners for several different wiki pages.
Mood images may not break any of the above mentioned rules.
Huge, animated or annoying mood images are not allowed.
You may only display one image in your mood and it has to be uploaded to the moods: you may not inline images in your mood.
ASCII images are not allowed in your house.
Images consisting of the characters and symbols on your keyboard/compu
ter that are considered copyrighted art or random images are not allowed.
If they are unique pieces created by you, then they are OK, and so are smaller less annoying things like
*)--->---( and the ordinary smileys.
It's the big annoying images that everyone has seen that we don't want.
Images on the Wiki
The rules for images in your house don't all apply for the wiki. In the wiki you can inline animated GIFs and other free-to-use-images that you are not allowed to have in your houses.
However, you are NEVER allowed to steal art, that is, take someone else's picture and claim it as your own.
If it is a secret wiki-page (No link from your presentation or open forum), you can inline what you want.
Wiki banners that break the rules aren't allowed in houses.
Follow the rules if you don't want people to get in trouble for displaying your wiki banner in their houses. As the wiki's owner or maintainer you will be held responsible if you encourage people to display wiki banners that break the rules.
How the Rules are Enforced
The Uploading Art Rules are enforced by us, the Town Guards. We can remove images that break the rules and ban members who repeatedly upload or display images that break the rules.
If you find someone else breaking the rules, please use the "send report to guards" button in that member's house and the we will look into the matter. It is not possible for the Guards to keep an eye on each and every house and we certainly need your help in this.
Please do not send us messages saying we are unfair and we allowed someone to keep disputed material in their house. The rules apply to all. The only reason someone would have copyrighted images displayed there still is that no one has reported them yet. Do your part!
Sometimes we make mistakes and delete something that should have been allowed. Do not make a big deal about it. Reply to the guard who deleted your image (you got a message explaining why the image was deleted) and explain briefly why the image should be allowed and everything will be fine.