Latest Royal Majesties

Their Royal Majesties of the Kingdoms

Royal Majesties of Ansteorra
<img70*0:stuff/2249128105_bc4401a7bd_m.jpg><img70*0:stuff/2249926266_ccc5a6cf87.jpg> Their Stellar Majesties King Aaron MacGregor III and Queen Vanessa de Verona II

The Royal Majesties of Meridies
<img70*0:stuff/TRHS-G.jpg> Majesties Seth of Newcastle and Gwendolyn

The Royal Majesties of Atlantia
King Sinclair Hawkins and Queen Kari Kyst

The Royal Majesties of the Middle
King Lutr and Queen Tessa

Date: 2008-09-22 19:40:42
Royal #: 7
Scribe: Bastion

Latest Royal Majesties

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