Page name: Households of Atenveldt [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-09-14 20:53:53
Last author: hedda
Owner: hedda
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Households of Atenveldt

These are the households in the Kingdom of Atenveldt. Feel free to add your households if they are not represented here.

To add your household, simply click the 'edit page' button, type [yourhousehold@wiki]. Then finish editing the page, and it will be on the wiki, click the link you just made and it will take you to your household's new home away from home in Thunder's Keep! [Don't worry about messing up.. It can always be fixed if you let someone know it was an accident. ;) ]

Household links
Order of Chaos
Household of Ulfgard
Foxhall (No info on page)
Aquinas (No info on page)
DragonWing Thunder (No info on page)
Back to Households

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2007-06-17 [hedda]: I moved the Order of Chaos info to Order of Chaos. I hope I got it right!

2007-09-04 [mathghamhain]: Hey Hedda-- now that there is 2 households listed for Atenveldt could it be moved to the list of Kingdoms WITH Household info? Please look at House of Ulfgard and let me know if you can think of anything else to add or recommendations, Thank You!!

2007-09-05 [hedda]: I guess you mean on Households. Yes, of course! <img:stuff/smile.jpg> I moved it now.

You're also free to edit almost any page by yourself. If you make an error, someone can easily fix it, so don't worry! But you're also welcome to write comments if you're not sure how to do something.

2008-03-19 [hedda]: I created Foxhall and Aquinas, but I couldn't find any information to put on them.

[Gwynny]: If you have any information to add to the pages, I'm happy to help you fix it. Don't worry about messing up the layout up on the pages, because I'll fix that if you ask me.

2009-04-21 [Celestria]: Have people forgotten about this website? I'm a family member of Shadow Wolf Thunder in Atenveldt

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