It was my First Arabian Nights in Arenal, I had brought my Lady [KathrynShea] to go with me as we were very new to the SCA, maybe only a few months. I had crafted most of my armor by then, (it looked horrible)and the other fighters decided that I was ready to authorize. Sir Camric Greenshield presided over my authorization, and I fought Thorgrim Hildulfsson as my opponent. I did well, Thorgrim mentioning to me that I did better than many who faced him in authorization, mostly because of his ability to intimidate fighters (6 foot tall, roughly 400 pounds) usually when he charges at them they either turn and run, or freeze right there on the spot. I, however, sidestepped, and layed my blade across his belly as he charged, turning and facing him as he fell (I can barely recount that part, mostly because of my inability to register much of ANYTHING when my helmet is on..he may have fell, or he may have already killed me as well I surely do not remember now.)
I felt good. One of my first tournaments, I won the very first fight against Egil, using a weapon I'd never used before (an axe head on a 32 inch haft with a basket hilt called a 'skalla'). Egil asked me how long I'd been fighting, and I told him about 3 months. Needless to say, he looked a little suprised. I was more suprised than he was for sure. My next battle would fare more to my expectations, as I lost every other battle I fought.
Then came the Bearpit.
You choose from across the circle who you want to fight. I decided to choose the biggest person on the field who happened to be this guy named Mongo. This guy was easily 7 feet tall, shoulders as broad as a '69 Cadillac, arms the size of my legs wearing chainmail. Alas, someone picked him before I could get to him, so I turned and looked to see who wasn't fighting. I noticed this bright shiny helmet and an all red and black tunic laced in yellow and decided "well he's definately shiny.. I'll go kill him". I walked over to him as he stood patiently waiting to fight someone, asked if he would care to cross swords, He smiled in his helmet and said he'd love to. I put my guard up, decided where I wanted to hit him, and he slot shotted me square in the face. I saluted him, bowed and said "thank you Milord" and went and sat down. One of my friends approached me and said "do you know who that was?" I of course had no idea. "That was a Knight!" they said. "It was??" I asked. They pointed out his white belt and it all made perfect sense.. I returned to the knight and told him it was a pleasure dying by his sword. He bowed and thanked me, smiling the whole time and that was it. I fought the first knight I ever met. His name was Sir Baras Bayan.