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Member #177 created: 2007-04-24 16:07:15Simple URL:   

Mundane Name: William

SCA Name: Uilleam (william)

Kingdom: Atlantia

Group: Falconrose


Many People who Lived and Fought durring the Crusade period where both of European and Arab Blood. This is my Arabic Persona. Sa"id El-Kar Ben Joseph,Grand Vizier To House Falconrose, Vizier Of Falconrose Highland Keep Atlantia.


Thats me to the left, and My lady wife and I at our wedding at Gulf war 2007.

SCA since 1979,Been Lots,Done Lots, Member of House Falconrose, Atlantia Corsairium, Honorary Rolling THunder (first Houshold) And NOVA.Still fighting Heavy at 47..Still Hurts At 47.Master of the "Lost Souls Tavern" (Ask me about my chicken...LOL)
First Sheriff of Trimaris,Writter of the "Trimarian Sheep Song"(scotland depraved)Presently Castellan of Canton of 7 hills in Barony of BlackDiamond.
Persona: 1550ish Knights Hospitaller at the time of thier Devation to Corsaire Piracy.
" Remember the pirate code,Always follow the rules, 1st rule ( The rules always change)"

Age: 47Year of birth: 1960Month of birth: 6Day of birth: 8

Gender: male

Year of persona: 1550

SCA Interests
ArmouringBardic RecitationBrewing
CalligraphyCookingCostuming & Accessories
Drama & ComedyDyeingFighting
Instrumental MusicJugglingMedicine
MerchantingMetal WorkingMusical Instrument Making
NeedleworkPavilion MakingPhilosophy
PotteryVocal MusicWeapon Smithing

Place of living: USA-Virginia

Exact place of living: Lynchburg

Worldmap missing.

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