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Member #523 created: 2007-07-09 21:21:30Simple URL:   

Mundane Name: jacob mathis

SCA Name: Theodric

Kingdom: Aethelmearc

Group: Port Oasis


My favorite kind of armor "maille".

Image missing.

Mundane: Hey you all my name is Jacob and I am currently attending Marshall University in West Virginia. My major is Geology and I also have a minor in German as well. I enjoy history; especially the time period during the Roman Empire. I have been in martial arts for seven years the style that I have high rank in is Chi lin chuan "kung fu", also I enjoy and have experience in boxing, jui juitsu, and fencing. My interests include: Reading, writing, drawing, cartoons/anime, hunting, fishing, collecting swords and firearms, poetry,hiking, creating armor, magickal practices, religions in general, riding crazy thrill rides, fantasy stuff in general, Monty Python, playing video games when I get some extra time. I also have a full-time job at a production company called "Alcon". I also like to spend time with my loving fiancee.

SCA: Theodric is a Saxon huscarl from the 1066 hastings period. His garb is a maille hauberk, leather boots, a gambeson, conical helm, kite shield,a seax,a surcoat, he has a hand and a half sword, also Theodric has a "danish axe". 

Theodric is well known and has armoring skills, he prefers to use the danish axe, but can use any other Saxon weapon.                   

Age: 21Year of birth: 1986Month of birth: 9Day of birth: 6

Gender: male

Year of persona: 1066

SCA Interests
FightingLeather WorkingMetal Working

Place of living: USA-West Virginia

Exact place of living: huntington
Worldmap 38°24.996'N 82°30.000'W

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