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Member #215 created: 2007-05-01 01:47:48Simple URL:   

Mundane Name: Invictus Clothing

SCA Name: Jade Invictus

Group: S.A.D.M.O.N.K.E.Y. armory

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Invictus clothing proudly serving up the most delicious busoms possible in all 19 kingdoms with our corsettes. We do the major events in az like Estrella and even the smaller ones like Barmaids. Yes we're vendors, no, we don't hard sell. We're usually goofy until we need to lace a lady into a jaw dropping, breast raising corsette. Yes, we can fit anyone. No, we do not price adjust for larger sizes. Anyone who wants to buy pays the same pice.

Age: 29Year of birth: 1980Month of birth: 4Day of birth: 11

Gender: non-person

SCA Interests
ArmouringCostuming & AccessoriesMerchanting

Place of living: USA-Arizona

Exact place of living: phoenix

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