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Isha Raqs Xahar

Member #357 created: 2007-05-30 16:13:26Simple URL:   

Mundane Name: Jennifer Stilwill

SCA Name: Isha Raqs Xahar

Kingdom: Caid

Group: House Muddyfoot


Some of Mm household members at Spring Potrero 2007. I'm the one in the front on the far right.


My Beastie!

Hello! I originally heard of the SCA in high school, but my friends never told me when the meetings were so I didn't join until college. I've now been a member of the group since 1991, when I started out with a 9th century Welsh persona named Ceridwen. Ever since, I've discovered that my life is so much MORE with the SCA involved.

I've never taken the time to come up with a History for my Persona, I just choose the clothes I like, and go from there. But then, it is my opinion that everyone plays the game in their own way. There is no right or wrong way, as long at the feeling is there.

I enjoy dancing, drumming, music, bardic circles, archery, fiber arts, and so much more. I've truly become a better person and my faith in humanity is restored with every event.

Age: 37Year of birth: 1972Month of birth: 8Day of birth: 10

Gender: female

Year of persona: 1100

SCA Interests
ArcheryCostuming & AccessoriesDancing
GamingInstrumental MusicJuggling
NeedleworkPoetryVocal Music

Place of living: USA-California

Exact place of living: Bakersfield
Worldmap 35°24.996'N 119°3.000'W

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