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Dietrich von Greyssen (Tired and Happy)
Mundane Name: Eric Dickey
SCA Name: Dietrich von Greyssen
Kingdom: Ansteorra
Group: The Barony of the Steppes
Image missing.
After 20 years of wandering the world, my former persona has taken a leave of absence. Now, I am roaming the world of the 1500's hiring myself out to whomever has the most pay. I am a German Landsknecht. My father was a successful tutor and learned man who taught me all I cared to learn. I did not want to live his life though. I wanted to learn the sword and to fight! I secretly learned to weild the great sword, the katzbalger, and even the swiss pike. I led a good life until my father found me and had me beaten for my insolence and disobedience. I had enough and fought against those who would beat me, including my father. I left with all I had and went to seek my fortune.
My story continues even until this day.
Ulstead's Coronation 2007
Age: 40 | Year of birth: 1968 | Month of birth: 10 | Day of birth: 23 |
Gender: male
Year of persona: 1540
SCA Interests
Archery | Armouring | Bardic Recitation |
Costuming & Accessories | Dancing | Fighting |
Instrumental Music | Juggling | Leather Working |
Period Fencing | Vocal Music | Weapon Smithing |
Place of living: USA-Texas
Exact place of living: mundanely, in Richardson, TX. Persona wise I live wherever the money takes me.

32°51.000'N 96°51.000'W