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1st Anniversary!

It's been ONE year since the gates of Thunder's keep have opened, and we now have 689 members representing all 19 kingdoms!

Thank you all who have donated time and effort to this cause, and who have contributed to the Keep! Thank you all!


Date: 2007-11-21 14:46:55
News #: 13
Reporter: Bastion

The best Thunder

Here are some highlights of what members have done and what else there are on Thunder's Keep:

[Bjorn]'s viking bed: 32.Woodworking

All members' diaries: <URI:diaries.html> Tip: Press the button "Start watching this presentation" on those who write interesting things!

Go to the forum-page and join the forums! You'll get a button "Read next post" on top of the page as soon as a new posting has been written in the forums you have joined.

You can make your own polls. Maybe you want to know what people think about your new hair or you simply want to know what people drink: <poll:5>

And don't miss all the SCA photos! It might also be fun to look at all the new members who have arrived the last week. They will surely appreciate some welcome messages from you.

Try that link to The most informative Wiki-pages at the top of the Courtyard! You can find the most informative pages, but also the most artistic ones like Baron Wylfred music if you go on. Put the wiki-pages that interrests you on watch and you'll be notified (to the right) when they are updated.

And why not wander among the households and kingdoms and make sure that your groups are well portrayed? Here on Thunder's Keep you can add your personal touch to the pages, like linking in your photos from the latest event. And as always: If you don't know how, just tell [hedda] or [Valgardr]! Or just try and mess up, and we'll be happy to clean up your mess.

Date: 2007-07-17 21:21:29
News #: 12
Reporter: hedda

Aligning images

You can now align images by using LIMG and RIMG instead of the normal IMG-tag.

See Align Example. This can make images on wiki-pages flow a little better with images in them.

You can also use tables now. it's simplified compared to HTML, so you write | (pipe) for a new column and --- (3 minus) for a new raw. Example: <table>Column 1|Column 2 --- First data | second data</table>

And it becomes:
Column 1
Column 2
First data
second data

See <URI:pseudo_html.html> for more.

Date: 2007-06-24 07:50:03
News #: 11
Reporter: hedda

Online Handles VS. SCA Names

I am noticing alot of Web style Handles joining. I am hoping that people who frequent TK, will use their SCA names or part of them as their Login names, it's hard enough as it is to keep track of the multiple handles a person has over the internet, but it also helps to keep the feel and purpose to this website, considering a name like 'ninja turtle' or 'Optimus Prime' would definately not fit here in our little medieval world, and a person would not introduce themselves as such at an SCA event, would they? If you have an SCA Name, use it proudly! WE all want to know YOU. The first step is learning to put the face to the name.

Thanks everyone for being here!

Date: 2007-05-16 17:28:33
News #: 10
Reporter: Bastion
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