You can now very simply write reviews about almost anything. If you've seen a movie, read a book, been to a battle, bought a new chain mail bikini or found a great shop, then go to
reviews and let the world know!
How to:
1) Go to your profile.
2) Press "Write a review" at the top.
3) Fill out that form.
4) Done!
This is how it works
When you have filled out the form on
<URI:review.html>, a message will automatically be posted in your diary and a wiki-page with the review will be made. There will also be a wiki-comment written on one of the review-pages and the moderators (and everyone else) might select to link to it from more places.
Hopefully, your review will be easily found by everyone searching for it.
Date: 2008-11-04 09:54:36
News #: 16
Reporter: hedda
Major upgrade
As you notice, the site is quite different now. You can read all about the updates on
Updates 2008-07-12 and write your suggestions for further improvements there.
Date: 2008-07-12 20:52:43
News #: 15
Reporter: hedda
You'll now get an email when something you watch (like wiki-pages you have created or people who's profile you have on watch) is changed.
This is unless you have disabled it in your personal attributes (Your profile => Change personal data => "Should TK send..." at position 5).
This also means that you generally don't have to be afraid that not so active members will never read your wiki-page comments.
I hope no one will feel spammed, but message me, [
hedda] otherwise and I'll try to solve it.
Date: 2008-01-14 23:54:18
News #: 14
Reporter: hedda
1st Anniversary!
It's been ONE year since the gates of Thunder's keep have opened, and we now have 689 members representing all 19 kingdoms!
Thank you all who have donated time and effort to this cause, and who have contributed to the Keep! Thank you all!
Date: 2007-11-21 14:46:55
News #: 13
Reporter: Bastion