In search for the holy grail

Post nr: 353
Author: Sigfreid (New name: joesnuffy) Posted: (5598 days ago)
Subject: Frustration and ranting (Texts: 2 )

OK so i'm a member of the East kingdom on the edge of Atlantia, I am located in a shire that is "sparse" to say the least, to say nothing of the cliques that are present to which i obviously don't belong or wish to be. Due to my location it's difficult to attend events like i used to because of distance. a usual event daytrip is a 2+ hour drive. would it be wrong of me to start attending Atlantian events if they are closer?
Another issue I am faced with is in the East my household and (RL) parents are widely known. i was raised in the SCA. It is difficult to do anything to make a name for myself without someone mentioned either of the the two.

thoughts, suggestions?


Post nr: 336
Author: Catherine HofA Posted: (6002 days ago) <URL:Royal_Majesties.html?nrs=7>
Subject: Their Royal Majesties of the Kingdoms (Texts: 1 )

Say, what about their Royal Majesties Uther and Kara of the West??


Post nr: 327
Author: hedda (fun photo comments) Posted: (6064 days ago) <URL:cartoons.html?nrs=8>
Subject: Jester's Corner (Texts: 3 )

I know that most SCA members know that the Medieval times weren't as nice as they are cranked up to be, but I doubt few realize how boring it was!


Post nr: 317
Author: hedda (fun photo comments) Posted: (6152 days ago)
Subject: Trebuchet! (Texts: 5 )

Today I saw a great program about trebuchet building. They built two full size trebuchets that threw 100 kilo boulders into a wall some 200 meters away.

Very cool stuff, even though the broke the general rule that trebuchets should be BIGGER (always)... <img:stuff/castle.png>


Post nr: 261
Author: Francesca Posted: (6273 days ago)
Subject: New to Thunderkeep (Texts: 2 )

Hi my name is Francesca I just joined Thounderkeep. I wanted to pop in here and just say hi. I am looking forward to making new friends here and getting to kniow every one.


Post nr: 252
Author: hedda (fun photo comments) Posted: (6300 days ago)
Subject: If all household pages looked like this... (Texts: 1 )

It would be great!

House Muddyfoot, Clan of the Ogres


Post nr: 220
Author: garison Posted: (6445 days ago)
Subject: Hails from da seas of Atenvelt (Texts: 3 )

Who among you is a scallywag, a buckaneer, a sea dog, a hailsman of da jolly rodger, who among you lay claim to da title Pirate?


Post nr: 105
Author: hedda (fun photo comments) Posted: (6613 days ago)
Subject: Me and doing competitions (Texts: 2 )

I've been working on getting this competition Running on Elfpack:

What about something similar for Thunder's Keep, but with a Medieval theme of course?

If anyone has stuff you want to compete with by showing off, then tell, and we can arrange something! It's hard to make a contest before we know what interests people. Best dress, best home-made armour, best medieval furniture, best poem written in Old English...


Post nr: 100
Author: Ginevra (New name: Isabeau) (Determined) Posted: (6616 days ago)
Subject: Period Music (Texts: 25 )

I have recently taken a great interest in Period Music. That is to say, while I have always loved and enjoyed it, I have of late been quite compelled to seek it out.

Perhaps my most major pet peeve at SCA events is the often complete lack of Medieval and Renaissance music. I hear lots of fun songs About the SCA, and far too many lovely songs from the 19th (or later) century. 

But Very Very Little Actual Medieval Music.

Early Music is So Great! We should have more of it!

So, I want to learn. 

I have cds of period music. I have access to period dance music.

But, I want to Play it! And Sing it! 

I want to learn to play instruments, and sing songs that fit my persona (late 14th, early 15th Century Italian). 

Any ideas? Thoughts? Willing Teachers?

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