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In search for the holy grail  
Post nr: 100
Thread: [100]
Author: Ginevra (New name: Isabeau) (Determined) Posted: (6534 days ago)
Subject: Period Music

I have recently taken a great interest in Period Music. That is to say, while I have always loved and enjoyed it, I have of late been quite compelled to seek it out.

Perhaps my most major pet peeve at SCA events is the often complete lack of Medieval and Renaissance music. I hear lots of fun songs About the SCA, and far too many lovely songs from the 19th (or later) century. 

But Very Very Little Actual Medieval Music.

Early Music is So Great! We should have more of it!

So, I want to learn. 

I have cds of period music. I have access to period dance music.

But, I want to Play it! And Sing it! 

I want to learn to play instruments, and sing songs that fit my persona (late 14th, early 15th Century Italian). 

Any ideas? Thoughts? Willing Teachers?

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