List forums

This is a single posting view of the CatHug forum. It's here so that search engines should be able to find single postings and therefore making non members see what this site is about.

To the crew  
Post nr: 140
Thread: [140]
Author: hedda (fun photo comments) Posted: (6447 days ago)
Subject: 20 new members last week!

This is a new record. At least after the initial week.

Very nice! I hope all these people can find something interesting here too. There isn't so much activity here, so if you have any ideas for something you want to do, just tell me and [Valgardr] and we'll help you do it!

So... What is possible to do here? Well, almost anything. You have have sign-up lists on a wiki-page, information about your events, contests where you challenge another household on making clothes and so on.

Think of Thunder's Keep as a bar. You bring up some stuff for you and your friends, and then some new people accidentally step by and you'll make new friends.

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