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SCA General Forum  
Post nr: 151
Thread: [150]
Author: Bjorn (New Wiki in progress! The Hunting Grounds) Posted: (6428 days ago) Previous in thread: 150 by AineOmniOys
Subject: SCA Housholds

Aye, I'm in the same boat. It's all good though, I still have fun and I have decided that I don't need an AoA or title to help and have fun. 

The members I have (and it seems to be growing) have come from friends that I knew were interested in the same stuff I was, then them communicating with their friends, etc. 

It's slow, but worth it. I can just imagine the headaches of a larger house. I'm content with it growing and evolving as is.

ehh... I realize that wasn't much help toward your question, sorry :/ 

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