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SCA General Forum  
Post nr: 160
Thread: [150]
Author: AineOmniOys Posted: (6422 days ago) Previous in thread: 151 by Bjorn
Subject: SCA Housholds

Thats fine Bjorn, I'm content with the the way my house seems to be developing, It's going to be me and a bunch of newbies I keep meeting to start with.

I'm just worried about particular people in the sCA and their groups who don't like me causing problems in the long run.

I hate how heresy is so prominant, I realize the hatred towards me by a few people, won't likely grow outside of their small clusters of friends, and clans, but I know that vindictive people can cause harm.

I don't care about me, just the people of my household, I can take a group of people harrassing me directly. I just don't want my friends and family to get attacked.

Next in thread: 164

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