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This is a single posting view of the CatHug forum. It's here so
that search engines should be able to find single postings and
therefore making non members see what this site is about.
Subject: What's Thunder's Keep about? by [jocosa] |
The big question for me, [Valgardr] and all the members are how we should interact with each other. I know everything about what's technically possible here and what people enjoy elsewhere, but not exactly what the members here would enjoy the most.
There are these forums where people can blog about their life (<forum:In search for the holy grail>), inform about things or discuss things that people don't agree on.
And it's possible you blog more directly by writing in your diary and hope that other members are watching your profile.
Or you can make a wiki-page, and keep adding information there about s subject, event or anything.
On site-level we have the polls, news and the calendar on the Courtyard (which so far demands [Valgardr] all the time, but if anyone wants to help, tell him!).
Then it's easy to share photos and even music (Like Baron Wylfred music) if you ask for the right to upload music.
But when members put something like this up, it needs some natural attention somehow. Forum-postings is one such thing to use. Courtyard news another. I could add a news-item about the "coolest" (I neither speak English nor SCA-English as my native tongue, so excuse me!) things here to give them more attention if [Valgardr] and you others think it's a good idea. I'll not do it regularly though, but someone else might. |