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Post nr: 200
Thread: [29]
Author: Bastion (New name: Valgardr) (nothing nothing tra la la...) Posted: (6365 days ago) Previous in thread: 197 by hedda
Subject: What's Thunder's Keep about? by [jocosa]

I think that [jocosa]s thought was that the buttons for the diary and other useful links were not visual enough.. so people don't go to them.. I like your idea though about maybe having a featured wiki and maybe a 'coolest' feature on TK..the need for a language is not much need here, for the most part so speak/type in whatever fashion you are comfortable with and as the site progresses, maybe you will see some minute changes in lingo that you will pick up on..

after all.. You are in Europe.. you know.. where the history comes from.. ;)

You are a very astute and well versed individual Henrik, so there is no fault as to your personal dialect. :D

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