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Post nr: 275
Thread: [275] |
Author: SirBrand |
Posted: (6163 days ago) |
Subject: Art of War-An Tir's 4-Day Intensive Training Event |
Greetings from Sir Brand of Aquaterra, An Tir. Art of War is especially for Fighters (HardSuit, Armored Archer and Rapier) and Event Stewards. This is a unique event in An Tir's History and we hope that some of you can attend and bring back the teachings we are providing.
A Registration Deadline is fast approaching (Feb. 15).
We hope to have the SCA Approved on-line Credit Card system (ACCEPS) as a payment option as soon as possible. In case it happens in the next few days, here is the basic page:
Until then we happily accept mailed-in registrations, or just an email to let us know to 'pencil in' someone until the paperwork can arrive.
This is an intensive 4-day event (Thursday - Sunday, April 10-13, 2008) where WE provide all your food and lodging. It is being held in Snohomish Washington (about an 1.5 hours north of Seattle). It's Website is I am the Event Steward: Sir Brand (
Check out the Website.
I would be happy to send the whole 'Press Release' to any who email me.
Thanks, Sir Brand, MPel. |